Hey Curlfriends! Today's post is so random but.................
I'm having a real Natural Hair moment today. One of those days when you wake up and realize you have somewhere important to go and you didn't twist your hair. The event totally slipped your mind, so instead you have to pin it up or bun it and your not looking your best **BLANK STARE**

This is the moment that helps you understand the importance of having CONFIDENCE in your natural hair journey. Having an over abundance of confidence through the journey will encourage you not to make any rash decisions (i.e. Big Chop or going back to the creamy crack LOL) regarding your hair. Instead you totally embrace your curls and kinks to make the most of your situation with confidence. Natural hair can be unpredictable at times, so it's imperative that you have a go-to and/or staple hairstyle in your back pocket to save the day. 

What's your favorite go-to and/or staple hairstyle?

"Those beautiful curls and kinks are ALL yours, so ROCK them!"
1/23/2013 11:49:28 pm

I really liked this post as it is so true... My go to hairstyle is the twistout, but lately I've been giving into my hair and letting my twisted pin-up styles take a life of its own

1/24/2013 12:56:01 am

Thanks Shanae! My go-to style is definitely the pin up - french roll like style. Whether it's an old twist out or a wash and go I can get the bobby pins and start pinning!


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