Before: December 2012 - 253lbs / After: May 2013 - 218lbs
My 33rd Birthday is June 19th so this year I've decided that my gift to myself is to lose more weight. I've come a long way in my weight loss journey and I wanted to take it to the next level by pushing myself further than before. So my birthday challenge was birthed! From May 19th to June 18th my goal is to lose 19lbs. To help my dream come to fruition, I will: :
 - Refrain from eating all carbs (bread, pasta, etc)
 - Refrain from eating anything containing sugar (occasionally something with less than 2g of sugar like natural peanut butter)
- I will work out 6 days a week (twice on monday, wednesday, friday & to including C25K running training and Zumba)

I'm excited about my challenge and I'm praying that I can reach my goal. I posted my challenge on Facebook and My Pastor even called me to join in with me! I have a fantastic support system in my family and friends through this journey. With blood, sweat, and many tears I'm making my dreams a reality......One day at a time!

The Bible says that you too have an audience cheering you on. Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us” (NLT).

Nothing you do is private. You always have an audience. Heaven is watching. But, more importantly, you have a cheering section. The Bible says that everyone in Heaven is cheering you on. I just want to thank everyone in advance for all the support.....I'm so thankful for how far I've come.

Here's the most straight to the point definition of clean eating I could find........

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