Hey Curlfriends! Somehow I forgot to update you all on August 3rd when I removed my last set of Havana Twist.......Sorry "My Bad". After taking my hair down I just couldn't ignore the damage my hair was suffering. I'm still trying to determine the culprit but the damaged/split ends HAD TO GO! So I washed& deep conditioned my hair. Using my hair scissors I proceeded to cut all the raggedy, split, straight ends of my hair. I think I cut 1-1.5 inches around. It was all worth getting my hair back to it's luxurious days of great curls.

Pictured below are my curls today. Freshly washed and styled from a flat twist out. Since I trimmed my ends my hair has been thriving. I no longer have to use rollers at the end of my twist - my hair just curls up! My ultimate hair goal is to have healthy hair, but with healthy hair comes length. That's my dilemma - Length Retention. I need my length to stick around. My two year hair anniversary was in June and over these two years I've had growth, but I've also had to cut my hair more than I wanted to. 

So CHEERS to more great hair days! I decided to keep my regimen SIMPLE adding back one of my
go-to leave-ins during my transition: Cantu Shea Butter leave in. My hair is loving it! I've also added Eco Styler Custard to my regimen as my twist cream and I think I've found that ISH! My hair is loving this custard as a twist cream. My flat twist outs have been coming out like magic - so moisturized and defined. I've also decided to lay off the heavy use of combs and brushes. I'm doing more finger detangling :)

Wish me luck & continous days of great hair,

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